10 Books That Will Take You On An Adventure

Alternate title: 10 Books That Will Take You Someplace New If You’re Too Broke To Go Anywhere Besides The Public Library
I get it. You wanted to travel this summer but for some reason it just didn’t work out. Maybe you’re broke or you only get 10 days of leave a year. Or maybe instead of going to Paris like you requested, you got stuck going to Disney or Cedar Point YET AGAIN. Or maybe you’re lucky and you’re reading this post ON SANDY GRECIAN BEACHES and you need a book to read. No matter your circumstance, here’s a list of books to read so that you can still live vicariously.
1. Aba, Nigeria (Africa)
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor
Read this if you’re dying for the beautiful and lush details of both magical and real Nigeria. Also if you’re fascinated by West African magic and have always wanted an African Harry Potter. Sunny Nwazue can’t seem to fit in anywhere after moving to Aba, Nigeria from the US; it doesn’t help that she’s an Albino and so being outside is right out. She discovers that she has a magical power and is soon thrust into a parallel world she didn’t know existed.
2. London, England (The Past/UK) 
Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn (Lady Grey Mysteries #1)
London is more than men in puffy hats and that weird circle thing that is in every cityscape photo. Lady Julia Grey is in for a shock when she discovers that her husband didn’t just die, but was in fact murdered. Go back in time when women wore far too many beautiful layers and men didn’t wear deodorant (but looked damn good in cravats and waistcoats, so you take what you can get). Walk the streets of historic London and visit the drawing rooms of the rich and famous of yesteryear. Luckily, this is just the first book of Lady Julia Grey’s adventures. Keep reading to be transported all over the world.
3. Maine (USA)
Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins
You know those gorgeous coastal islands with the beautiful resorts and beach rental mansions in New England? Well, I can’t afford those. But I can afford this book. Now That You Mention It will take you into the lives of the hardworking individuals that make up the full-time residents of those places. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll never look at birds the same way.
4. Mexico City, Mexico (Mexico)
Prime Meridian by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Don’t let the cover fool you — it’s not really a book about Mars. It’s a beautiful and moving novella about one young, unemployed woman in near-future Mexico City. The city was so real and vibrant that I could taste the air while I was reading.
5. New York, NY (USA)
Hamilton’s Battalion by Rose Lerner, Courtney Milan, and Alyssa Cole
It’s been years and you STILL HAVEN’T BEEN TO BROADWAY AND WATCHED HAMILTON and unfortunately for you, it isn’t going to happen this summer either. Luckily, Rose Lerner, Courtney Milan, and Alyssa Cole have compiled three novellas based (really, really loosely) off of the musical (and obviously the true historical events) and published them in gorgeous book. You will 100% be singing Alex-Ander Hamil-Ton while reading this book.
6. Ohio (USA)
Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie
Think Ohio has nothing to offer but Cedar Point and a bunch of corn fields? You’re mostly wrong. There’s also some fascinating haunted houses if those are your thing. What would you do if presented with an opportunity to earn some quick cash before your wedding? The only catch is that the money’s coming from your affluent ex-husband and you have to sort out two troubled kids who live (mostly) alone in a creepy, old mansion. I mean, I’d take it …
7. Outer Space (Literal outer space, guys)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Unless space flight becomes affordable (lolololol, it’s barely even affordable to fly across the country), ain’t nobody touring around the universe. Until then, just read this classic sci-fi novel. You’ll laugh. You’ll be confused. You’ll wish a little bit that this book wasn’t fiction.
8. Shetland Islands, Scotland (UK/EUROPE)
Sacrifice by Sharon J. Bolton
Have you been yearning for the howling wind and rocky shores of the northern Scotland Isles? Look no further than Sacrifice. This debut novel digs through the peat and the past to uncover a centuries old mystery that has been buried in Tora Hamilton’s literal backyard. This obstetrician’s unwavering determination to solve mysterious deaths takes her all over the islands while battling a personal demon of her own.
9. Smokey Mountains, Tennessee (USA)
Grin and Beard It by Penny Reid
How would you like your own personal tour of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park with a bonafide (and super hot (and super bearded)) park ranger? You would love it? Great! Read this book. You can join world-famous Sienna Diaz as she gets lost (constantly) and then found (hurray!) by one cheekily handsome Jethro Winston.
10. Texas (USA) 
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
I know how much y’all want to stay in a beautiful Victorian B&B in a tiny Texas town. It sounds so romantic and lovely, sitting on the veranda having an iced drink. But I bet you’ll want to stay there even more if you find out that maybe this isn’t your usual inn and Dina isn’t your usual innkeeper. In fact, it’s not even a B&B for humans. It’s a waystation for aliens, vampires, and otherwordly travelers.
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