Marion lives in Michigan with her husband, Great Dane mix (Rufus Barksley), and their two adorable cats (Sally-Cat and Minerva). Her educational background has taken her to many locations across the United States, but no matter where she lives, her first order of business is to pick up a new library card. Despite her best efforts, she has single-handedly subsidized several public libraries due to her late fees.
You can typically find Marion hiding away from humans in her colonial fixer-upper. She will probably be curled up on her couch with a book, tea, and snuggly animal. She promises that she is not a robot; if she was one, she wouldn’t cry so much whenever she re-reads Little Women.
Her preferred reading genres include fantasy, science fiction, mystery, thriller, and the semi-occasional romance, however she will read nearly anything you put in front of her.
She only asks that the author is familiar with an oxford comma. She is sorry if that makes her pedantic, but her love of punctuation is rivaled only by her utter adoration of Earl Grey.
When she is not reading, you can find Marion knitting an absurd number of sweaters, baking elaborate cakes and french pastries, or biking hundreds of miles on a road tandem with her husband.
You can also find Marion on Twitter (@OverdueChaloux), Instagram (overduebookreviews), Goodreads, and her local public library.